Our experienced employees are at your disposal with the latest measuring technology for instrumented monitoring of structures (SHM) and non-destructive testing (NDT) for damage analysis and for structural exploration. We provide you with comprehensive support for your individual challenge, starting from the development of the ideal measurement and testing concept to the practical execution of the investigations by our adept team of experts and the evaluation of the test results by our specialists in engineering, natural sciences and technology.
Our focus of services
- Structural Monitoring with Fibre-optic, Electronic and Electro-mechanical Sensors
One of our core tasks is the instrumented monitoring of structures with the latest methods. Our range of services for you includes the monitoring of building geometry, loads and other influences, crack widths, vibrations according to DIN 4150-3 and ETSI EN 300, material moisture and much more.
- Non-destructive Inspection of Buildings and Structural Components
We inspect for you with non-destructive and minimally invasive methods known structural defects, determine the causes of damage within the scope of object-related damage analysis (OSA) and document the material condition. This includes the localisation of defects, the detection of prestressing steel fractures, the determination of reinforcement, the exploration of wall structures and much more.
Precise knowledge of the condition of your structure at all times is the basis for optimal structure management and for planning targeted maintenance measures. Continuous structural monitoring can make a decisive contribution to this.
As a specialist monitoring planner, we offer you comprehensive services in the field of designing customized monitoring solutions for your structures. As a specialist monitoring service provider, we take on the practical implementation of these solutions. Our services include the planning, installation and operation of state-of-the-art measurement technology. This includes fiber optic sensors (FBG and LGFBG), laser distance measurement and tried and tested electrical systems for structural monitoring in accordance with DIN 1076, ensuring that you always have well-founded status information at your disposal.
We ensure continuous data acquisition, evaluation and interpretation in order to record long-term changes and individual events. In this way, we support you in complying with the recalculation guideline and efficient building management. With our expertise, we guarantee you reliable monitoring and evaluation of the condition of the building.
For the non-destructive and minimally invasive condition assessment of your building we are at your disposal with a wide range of state-of-the-art measuring instruments. Our methods include among others:
- Visual inspection, endoscopy
- Ultrasonic testing
- Groung penetrating radar
- Magnetic leakage field testing
- Infrared thermography
- Acoustic emission analysis
- Impact-Echo
- Inductive and capacitive methods
- And many more...
We will gladly advise you which test is most promising for your task.
To meet our social responsibility, we actively participate in technical committees and boards, thus contributing important findings from research, development and application to guidelines and standards as an independent body.
Participation in the committees of the German Society for Non-Destructive Testing (DGZfP):
- DGZfP subcommittee "Building monitoring" (chair)
- DGZfP subcommittee "Moisture"
- DGZfP subcommittee "Stress corrosion cracking"
Our lecture "NDT in Civil Engineering" enables students to gain practical insights into the exciting subject areas of our expertise and enables them to apply the possibilities of non-destructive testing and building monitoring profitably in their professional career.
Integrated in our industrial activities, we research in the field of building sustainment and develop solutions to current challenges.
- Structural helath monitoring with fibre-optic and electrical/electromechanical sensors
- Development of hardware and software for specific applications of monitoring systems
- Non-destructive testing with different physical methods
- Characterization of mineral building materials during setting and hardening
- Moisture measurement on buildings and building materials

Frank Lehmann
Dr.-Ing.Head of Department / Head of Unit

Michael Schreiner
Dipl.-Ing.Deputy Head of Unit