
Die Publikationen der MPA Universität Stuttgart

Veröffentlichungen der MPA und der assoziierten Institute

Bläsius, C.; Sievers, J.; Gao, Y.; Weihe, S.: Behavior of low alloy reactor presure boundary steels in the loading range relevant for severe accidents and implications for material modeling in FE analyses. In: Nuclear Materials and Energy 42 (2025), No. 101873

Fararoni Platas, R.N.; Gambarelli, S.; Bosnjak, J.: Experimental and numerical investigation of a scaled timber composite (softwood and hardwood) column-to-slab connection. In: Construction and Building Materials 472 (2025), No. 140719,

Fritz, S.; Sewalski, S.; Weihe, S.; Werz, M.: Feasability study on laser powder bed fusion of ferritic steel in high vacuum atmosphere. In: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 9 (2025), No. 3,

Lammert, R.; Petrova, V.E.; Weihe, S.: A novel distribution function for modeling oxygen diffusion in functionally graded matrials with cracks. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics 319 (2025), No. 111006,

Sippel, T.M.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter Ermüdungsbeanspruchungen (Teil 2). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 91 (2025), Nr. 1, S. 48-53

Stucki, S.; Kelch, S.; Mamie, T.; Burckhardt, U.; Grönquist, P.; Yan, W.; Elsener, R.; Schubert, M.; Frangi, A.; Burgert, I.: Bonding of beech wood to mortar with a novel epoxy hybrid-adhesive: performance in dry and wet conditions, In: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 136 (2025), No. 103868,

Veile, G.; Lotz, J.; Rudolph, J.; Regitz, E.; Smaga, M.; Weihe, S.; Beck, T.: Comparison of experimental and numerical fatigue life of austenitic stainless steel components at 300°C with idealized and scanned weld geometries. In: International Journal of Fatigue 195 (2025), No. 108873,

Walz, D.; Sommer, K.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Development and evaluation of a robot guided friction stir welding. In: International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing Green Technology, online first,

Aicher, S.; Henning, M.; Münzer, A.: Bond line shear strength of structural wood adhesives at high termperatures up to wood carbonization - a classification approach. In: Results in Engineering 23 (2024), ID 102762,

Aicher, S.; Münzer, A.: Residual strength and time to failure of bonded wooden lap joints at high temperatures and superimposed constant loading. In: Wood Material Science & Engineering 19 (2024), Online first,

Alnajjar, Belal M.K.; Frick, Jürgen; Blümich, Bernhard; Anders, Jens: A compact and mobile stray-field NMR sensor. In: Journal of Magnetic Resonance 369 (2024), ID 107798,

Arndt, J.; Heckmann, K.; Sievers, J.; Schopf, T.; Silber, F.; Veile, G.; Weihe, S.; Donnerbauer, K.; Macias, M.; Walther, F.; Bill, T.; Starke, P.; Acosta, R.; Yerrapa, B.; Boller, C.: Thermo-mechanical FE simulations on a full-size thermal fatigue pipe test in view of lifetime assessment. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division II

Beutel, R.: Calcium carbonate filler aggregate with reduced CaCO3 content. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 19-30

Bläsius, C.; Sievers, J.; Weihe, S.: Under-recognized phenomena and uncertainties in the integrity assessment of the reactor coolant pressure boundary in high-pressure core melt accident scenarios. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division VII 

Bosnjak, J.; Das, A.; Sharma, A.: Influence of concrete cover and transverse reinforcement on residual post-fire bond performance of reinforcement in concrete. In: Engineering Structures 314 (2024), ID 118191,

Brauer, H.; Golisch, G.Wackenhut, G.: High-frequency-induction welded steel pipes for the future hydrogen gas grid. In:   Proceedings of 2024 15th International Pipeline Conference (IPC2024): September 23-27, 2024, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. In:  Little Falls, NJ, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024,

Das, A.; Bosnjak, J.; Sharma, A.: Investigations on the effects of rebar diameter on the post-fire bond capacity of RC flexural members and development of a novel bond model. In: Developments in the Built Environment 20 (2024), No. 100536,

Das, A.; Sharma, A.; Bosnjak, J.: Experimental and numerical investigations on the residual bond capacity of RC flexural members exposed to fire considering twin rebars. In: Developments in the Built Environment 20 (2024), No. 100551,

Del Federico, E.; Tomassini, P.; Blümich, B.; Cucci, C.; Picollo, M.; Ramsey, M.; Wong, S.; Burry, S.; Fallon, K.; Miriello, D.; Chiari, G.; Becker, H.; Urbanek, M.; Zöldföldi, J.; Frick, J.; Bader, J.; Krüger, D.; Anders, J.: Analyzing an ancient city: non-invasive studies of Ostia Antica Archaeological Park's wall paintings. In: IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archeology and Cultural Heritage, Rome, Italy, October 19-21, 2023. Red Hook, N.Y.:  Curran Associates, Inc. , 2024, pp. 126-131

Dörr, L.; Kohl, J.; Schweikert, M.; Lemloh, M.-L.: Unicellular organisms with versatile solutions at the micro-scale: functional materials and principles in Ciliates. In: Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024), No. 2306113,

Eckstein, M.; Hofmann, J.: The limitations of the concrete capacity design (CCD) method in calculating the breakout area. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 2594-2603

Eckstein, M.Y.; Hofmann, J.: Load bearing behaviour of fastenings with effective embedment depth less than 30 mm. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 793-800

Fitzlaff, M.; Khoury, G.; Käß, M.; Werz, M.; Gundelsweiler, B.; Weihe, S.: Investigations on injection mold inserts with reduced thermal masses using additive manufacturing. In: Medina, J.A.; Del Pilar Noriega, M. (Eds.): The 39th International Conference of Polymer Processing Society PPS – 39; May 19 - 23, 2024, Hilton Cartagena Hotel, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. [Bogota] : Ediciones Uniandes, 2024.

Friedrich, M.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Fiber-jacketed creep resistant pipes for high-temperature applications. In: Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the 10th Iternational Conference, October 15-18, 2024, Bonita Springs, Florida, USA. Red Hook, N.Y.: Curran Associates Inc., 2024, pp. 195-206,  

Fröhlich, T.; Hofmann, J.: Fatigue resistance of anchors in concrete under shear load with lever arm. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp.621-630

Gambarelli, S.; Fararoni Platas, R.N.; Shankar, A.; Dakova, S.; Böhm, M.; Sawodny, O.; Nitzlader, M.; Blandini, L.: Failure behavior of an adaptive concrete beam with integrated fluidic actuators: non-linear three-dimensional finite element analysis. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 31-56

Garrecht, H.; Mešković, A.; Bošnjak, J.; Schrang, K.: Biomasse basierte Konstruktionsleichtbetone - ein Weg zur CO2-neutralen Betonbauweise? In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik (2024), Nr. 5, S. 48-49

Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: A simplified spring model for the design of fastening systems. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 301-308

Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: Simulation comparison of pentalinear with bi-linear spring characteristics. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 65-85

Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: Spring models for the design of fastening sysems: requirements and challenges. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 1495-1505

Göbel, R.; Schwertel, S.; Weihe, S.; Werz, M.: Investigation of tool degradation during friction stir welding of hybrid aluminium-steel sheets in a combined butt and overlap joint. In: Materials 17 (2024), No. 4, ID 874,

Golini, C.; Brizi, L.; Blümich, B.; Anders, J.; Haber-Pohlmeier, S.; Frick, J.: Diagnosis and monitoring of cultural heritage using a portable low-field NMR instrument. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 87-96

Heckmann, K.; Sievers, J.; Acosta, R.; Boller, C.; Schopf, T.; Weihe, S.; Bill, T.; Starke, P.; Luecker, L.; Donnerbauer, K.; Walther, F.: Evaluation of the fatigue life of AISI 347 specimens with small notches based on local strain considerations. In: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 211 (2024), No. 105297,

Hejazi, B.; Luz, C.; Grüner, F.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Characterisation of adobe and mud-straw for the restoration and rehabilitation of Persian historical adobe buildings. In: Materials 17 (2024), No. 8, ID 1764,

Holder, J.; Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Influence of different modelling approaches on the predict concrete edge failure of fasteners. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 598-609

Holder, J.; Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Use of numerical simulations for the design of fasteners - limitations and way forward. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 309-315

Holzwarth, M.; Baer, W.; Mayer, U.; Weihe, S.: Untersuchung des Master-Curve-Konzepts für ferritische Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit: Kritische Belastungsrate und erste Ergebnisse an C(T)-Proben. In: Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung (Hrsg.): Bruchmechanische Werkstoff- und Bauteilbewertung: Beanspruchungsanalyse, Prüfmethoden und Anwendungen : 56. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Bruchmechanik und Bauteilsicherheit 20. und 21. Februar 2024, Kassel. Berlin: Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung, [2024], S. 37-47

Holzwarth, M.; Mayer, U.; Baer, W.: Investigating the applicability of the master curve concept for ductile cast iron: early results for 2 different test temperatures. In:  SEDS-Proceedings of the 7th GRS Workshop: Safety of Extended Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel; Garching, 24th-26th May 2023. Köln :  Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, 2024

Holzwarth, M.; Mayer, U.; Baer, W.; Weihe, S.: Investigation of the master curve concept for ferritic ductile cast iron. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division II

Jüngert, A.; Thenikl, T.; Hofmann, R.; Maderner, L.; Werz, M.: Acoustic emission monitoring of a laser powder bed fusion process. In: e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing 29 (2024), No. 10,

Kaplan, M.; Haufe, C.N.; Frick, J.; Blandini, L.: Non-destructive ultrasonic wall thickness measurement of mineral hollow bodies. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 97-108

Kettler, K.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Experimental and numerical investigations on the relaxation behavior of power plant flange connections under steady state and transient conditions. In: ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 146 (2024), ID 041302,

Kettler, K.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Experimental investigations on a model of a power plant flange under steady state and transient load. In: Materials at high temperatures 41 (2024), No. 1, S. 145-157,

Klenk, A.; Friedrich, M.; Metzger, K.: Component testing under cyclic operation modes for martensitic steels and NI-based alloys in the HWT3 power plants test loop. In: Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the 10th Iternational Conference, October 15-18, 2024, Bonita Springs, Florida, USA. Red Hook, N.Y.: Curran Associates, Inc., 2024, pp. 429-440,

Klenk, G.; Fritschle, T.; Hobt, A.; Werz, M.: Neue Dimensionen in der Schwingfestigkeitsprüfung: ein biaxialer Prüfstand für große geschweißte und additiv gefertigte Bauteile. In: Kuttner, T. (Hrsg.):  2. Fachtagung TestRig: Aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen im Bereich Prüfstandsbau und Prüfstandsbetrieb Tagungshandbuch 2024. Tübingen: Expert Verlag, 2024, S. 69

Koch, S.M.; Dreimol, C.H.; Goldhahn, C.; Maillard, A.; Stadler, A.; Künniger, T.; Grönquist, P.; Ritter, M.; Keplinger, T.; Burgert, I.: Biodegradable and Flexible Wood-Gelatin Composites for Soft Actuating Systems. In: ACS Sustainable Chistry Engineering 12 (2024), No. 23, pp 8662-8670,

Kropp, C.; Aicher, S.: Building the future: toward a sustainable material transition in architecture and construction. In: TaTuP Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung 33 (2024), Nr. 3, 9-14,

Lakhani, H.; Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: Analysis of fastenings in concrete using spring models: requirements for finite-element based modelling. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 2583-2593

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Fire resistance of group of fasteners with focus on concrete cone failure. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 2717-2724

Lakhani, H.; Holder, J.; Hofmann, J.: Effect of bond on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams: comparison of different FE models. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp.1736-1745

León-Cázares, F.D.; Zhou, X.; Kagay, B.; Sugar, J.D.; Alleman, C.; Ronevich, J.; San Marchi, C.: Hydogen effects on the deformation and slip localization in a single crystal austenitic stainless steel. In: International Journal of Plasticity 180 (2024), No. 104074,

Lokekere Gopal, D.; Mahadik, V.; Hofmann, J.: Bonded anchors under cycling sustained loads. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 119-126

Mally, L.; Seidenfuss, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Physical twins for lifetime evaluation of safety-relevant large components containing crack fields. In: ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 28–August 2, 2024, Bellevue, Washington; Volume 2: Design & Analysis. New York : ASME, 2024, No. 123680,

Mally, L.; Seidenfuß, M.; Weihe, S.: Investigations on the fracture mechanical properties of the additively manufactures 22NiMoCr3-7 reactor steel. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division XII

Mally, L.; Weber, U.; Seidenfuß, M.; Weihe, S.: Experimental investigation of additive manufactures crack field specimens. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division XII

Markert, M.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.: The effect of concrete moisture on the fatigue resistance of HPC under uniaxial and triaxial loading. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 195-204

Markert, M.; Schiewe, H.; Garrecht, H.: The effect of different concrete compositions and mixing methods on the influence of temperature on the static compressive strength and its consequence on fatigue resistance. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 1175-1182

Maurer, B.; Escher, A.: Historic concrete – looking at the little things. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 127-146

May, L.; Werz, M.: Theoretical-numerical investigation of a new approach to reconstruct the temperature field in PBF-LB/M using multispectral process montoring. In: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 8 (2024), No. 2, ID 73,

Megahed, S.; Krämer, K.M.; Heinze, C.; Kontermann, C.; Udoh, A.; Weihe, S.; Oechsner, M.: Creep of IN738LC manufactured with laser powder bed fusion: effect of build orientation and twining. In: Materials at high temperatures 41 (2024), No. 1, pp. 95-105,

Münzer, A.; Dill-Langer, G.; Tapia, C.: Faseroptische Dehnungsmessung von Holzkontruktionen. In: Kuhlmann, U.; Grönquist, P.; Tapia, C.; Buchholz, L. (Eds.): Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis : Stuttgart, 18. + 19. März 2024. Stuttgart: Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf, Universität Stuttgart; Materialprüfungsanstalt, Universität Stuttgart, 2024

Osorio, D.; Gotti, A.; Kauffmann, F.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Creep, fatigue and creep-fatigue behaviour of martensitic/bainitic steels and nickel-based alloys and their welded joints at the temperature range 500°C-750°C. In: Materials at high temperatures 41 (2024), No. 1, S. 2-30,

Osorio, D.; Müller, F.; Ewald, J.; Shilun, S.; Almstedt, H.; Weihe, S.: Validated assessment of power plant components with flaws and defects operating under long-term creep and isothermal creep-fatigue loading. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics 301 (2024), No. 110027,

Panzehir, M.; Hofmann, J.: Load capacity of anchorages in sold calcium silicate masonry with brick breakout failure. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 147-160

Pimienta, P.; McNamee, R.; Robert, F. u.a.; Bosnjak, J.; u.a.; Lakhani, H.; u.a.: Recommendation of RILEM TC 256-SPF on fire spalling assessment during standardised fire resistance tests: complementary guidance and requirements. In: Materials and Structures 57 (2024), No. 1. 

Ramadan, Z.; Teichmann, L.; Resta, L.F.; Dinga, G.T.; Boy, L.; Garrecht, H.; Bögle, A.; Mondino, D.; Schiewe, J.: Integration verschiedener Simulationsmethoden zur energieeffizienten Sanierung am Beispiel eines Innenhofes im Welterbe Speicherstadt Hamburg. In: Bednar, T.; Sint, S. (Hrsg.): BauSIM 2024 Proceedings; 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Wien: TU Wien, 2024, S. 201-207,

Rudolph, J.; Veile, G.; Regitz, E.; Smaga, M.; Fischer, U.; Grimm, M.; Weihe, S.; Beck, T.: Investigation of the very high cycle fatigue (VCHF) behavior of AISI 347 and 304L austenitic stainless steels including their welds for reactor internals at ambient and operating temperature. In:  ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 28–August 2, 2024, Bellevue, Washington; Volume 4: Materials & Fabrication. New York : ASME, 2024, No. 121778,

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Carlo, J.C.; Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Abdesssemed, N.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Impact of wind pressure coefficients on the natural ventilation effectiveness of buildings through simulations. In: Buildings 14 (2024), Nr. 9, ID 2803,

Schiewe, H.; Markert, M.: Estimation of static compressive strength and number of cycles to failure of high-performance concrete (HPC) with recycled (RC)-aggregates using resonance analysis. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 177-190

Schiewe, H.; Markert, M.; Garrecht, H.: Effects of different recycled (RC) aggregates on the fatigue behaviour of high-strength concrete. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 1183-1190

Sewalski, S.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Investigation of the robustness of the PBF-LB/M process for AISI 316L in the context. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division XII

Silber, F.E.; Weihe, S.: Components tests to verify fatigue strength under media conditions. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division V

Simon, K.; Aicher, S.: Skalierbarkeit von verstärkten biegesteifen Brettschichtholzanschlüssen mit eingeklebten Stahlstäben an Beton- und Stahlkonstruktionen. In: Kuhlmann, U.; Grönquist, P.; Tapia, C.; Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis : Stuttgart, 18. + 19. März 2024. Stuttgart: Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf, Universität Stuttgart; Materialprüfungsanstalt, Universität Stuttgart, 2024

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter Ermüdungsbeanspruchungen (Teil 1). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 90 (2024), Nr. 12, S. 62-69

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter seismischen Bedingungen (Teil 1). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 90 (2024), Nr. 8, S. 30-36

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter seismischen Bedingungen (Teil 2). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 90 (2024), Nr. 9, S. 62-68

Smaga, M.; Daniel, T.; Regitz, E.; Beck, T.; Schopf, T.; Veile, G.; Weihe, S.; Rudolph, J.; Fischer, U.: Very high cycle fatigue of austenitic stainless steels and their welds for reactor internals at ambient temperature and 300°C. In: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 212 (2024), No. 105319

Smirnova, M.; Nehting, C.; Stolz, A.; Gröning, J.A.D.; Funaro, D.P.; Eppinger, E.; Reichert, M.; Frick, J.; Blandini, L.: High strength bio-concrete for the production of building components. In: Materials Sustainability 57 (2024), No. 3, 

Stimpfle, L.; Wenker, J.L.; Dill-Langer, G.: Innovative contact joints for compression struts of wide span wooden truss girders. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 201-214

Stucki, S.; Kelch, S.; Mamie, T.; Burckhardt, U.; Grönquist, P.; Elsener, R.; Schubert, M.; Frangi, A.; Burgert, I.: High-performance timber-concrete-composites with polymer concrete and beech wood. In: Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024), No. 134069,

Teichmann, A.; Strahm, B.; Garrecht, H.; Blandini, L.: Effects of a two-stage mixing process on the characteristics of concrete: Part 1: Hardened concrete characteristics. In: Results in Materials 23 (2024), ID 100604,

Teichmann, L.; Resta, L.F.; Hein, H.; Dinga, G.T.; Ramadan, Z.; Bögle, A.; Mondino, D.; Garrecht, H.; Sustainable development in listed districts: CO2 neutral World Heritage Speicherstadt Hamburg. Bauphysik 46 (2024), No. 3, S. 127-134,

Teichmann, L.; Resta, L.F.; Hein, H.; Dinga, G.T.; Ramadan, Z.; Bögle, A.; Mondino, D.; Garrecht, H.; Sustainable development in listed districts: CO2 neutral World Heritage Speicherstadt Hamburg. In: Vogel, A.; Völker, C.; Kornadt, O. (Hrsg.): Proceedings Bauphysiktage in Weimar 2024: Bauphysik in Forschung und Praxis. Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2024,

Tonidis, M.; Sharma, A.; Birtel, V.: Experimental and numerical investigations on the influence of transverse beams and slab on the seismic behavior of non-seismically designed exterior beam-column joints. In: Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics 53 (2024), No. 14, pp. 4159-4492,

Urbanek, M.; Bader, J.; Krüger, D.; Yong, A.; Becker, H.; Frick, J.; Anders, J.; Del Frederico, E.; Tomassini, P.; Blümich, B.: Comparison of wall paintings at Ostia Antica by NMR depth profiling. In: Heritage Science 12 (2024), No. 354,

Veile, G.; Grimm, M.; Weihe, S.; Rudolph, J.: Influence of high temperature water on AISI 304 and ER 347 regarding their threshold value. In: ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 28–August 2, 2024, Bellevue, Washington; Volume 4: Materials & Fabrication. New York : ASME, 2024, No. 121861, 

Veile, G.; Hirpara, R.; Lackmann, S.; Weihe, S.: Investigation of oxide layer development of X6CrNiNb18-10 stainless steel exposed to high-temperature water. In: Materials 17 (2024), No. 18, ID 4500,

Veile, G.; Regitz, E.; Rudolph, J.; Schopf, T.; Smaga, M.; Fischer, U.; Grimm, M.; Patzer, M.; Weihe, S.; Beck, T.: Investigations very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) behavior of AISI 347 and 304L including their welds for reactor internals at ambient and operating relevant temperatures. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division II,

Veile, G.; Regitz, E.; Smaga, M.; Weihe, S.; Beck, T.: Investigations of metallurgical differences in AISI 347 and their influence on deformation and transformation behaviour and resulting fatigue life. In: Materials 17 (2024), No. 18, ID 4543,

Veile, G.; Schopf, T.; Weihe, S.: Influence of high temperature water on AISI 304, AISI 347 and ER 347 regarding their threshold value and surface oxidation. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division II,

Villing, J.T.: Detection of fractures in prestressing steel strands using the magnetic flux leakage test. In: Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing 2 (2024), Nr. 1,

Wachsmann, S.B.; Ruf, M.; Prinz, C.; Oehlsen, N.; Zhou, X.; Dyballa, M.; Arweiler, C.; Leistner, P.; Steeb, H.; Garrecht, H.; Laschat, S.: Chitin / Chitosan biocomposite foams with chitins from different organisms for sound absorption. In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering 12 (2024), No. 32, pp. 11879 - 11890,

Werz, M.;Jüngert, A.; Sewalski, S.; Weihe, S.: Critical assessment on the safety of advanced manufacturing processes. In: Transactions of the SMIRT 27, Yokohama, Japan, March 3-8, 2024, Division XII

Xu, T.; Garrecht, H.: Effects of mixing techniques and material compositions on the compressive strength and thermal conductivity of ultra-lightweight foam concrete. In: Materials 17 (2024), No. 11, ID 2640,

Zadran, S.; Ožbolt, J.; Gambarelli, S.: Numerical analysis of freezing behavior of saturated cementitious materials with different amounts of chloride. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 215-251

Aicher, S.; Münzer, A.; Hezel, J.; Weber, S.: Head pull-through capacity of load-bearing timber screws - influential parameters and shortcomings of European test procedure. In: Wood Materials Science & Engineering  (2023), 18 (2023), No. 4, pp. 1505-1520, 

Aicher, S.; Rie, J. van; Simon, K.: Full-scale axial compression loading of sandwich panels (SIPs) with wood based skins and a PUR-foam core – first results of a 24 years experiment with highly eccentric loads. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 11-36

Aicher, S.; Simon, K.: Semi-integral full-scale Stuttgart timber model. In: Nyrud, A.Q.; Malo, K.A.; Nore, K. (Eds.): World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo 2023: timber for a livable future. Red Hook, NY.: Curran Associates Inc., 2023, pp. 3264-3271, 

Bender, T.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Creep-fatigue assessment of martensitic welds based on numerically determined local deformation. In: Materials Testing 65 (2023), Nr. 6, S. 815-823,

Bender, T.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Damage assessment of similar martensitic welds under creep, fatigue, and creep-fatigue loading. In: ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 145 (2023), No. 041502,

Benzarti, K.; Chataigner, S.; Wahbeh, M.; Boundouki, R.; Martin, E.; Sopena, L.; Zalbide, M.; Garcia-Sanchez, D.; Birtel, V.; Lehmann, F.; Gemignani, G.: Preventive fatigue strengthening of steel structures with bonded CFRP - efficiency demonstration on a real bridge. In: Benmokrane, B.; Mohamed, K.; Farghaly, A.; Mohamed, H. (Eds.): 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures. Cham : Springer, 2023. (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering ; 278), pp. 459-467

Beutel, R.: Pozzolanic cement with tempered phonolite rock powder. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 37-46

Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Nonlinear spring modelling approach for concrete edge breakout failure of shear loaded anchorages of arbitrary configurations. In: Engineering Structures 279 (2023), No. 115608, 

Cao, A.S.; Grönquist, P.; Frangi, A.: Catenary action in strip-reinforced wood and timber beams. In: Construction and Building Materials 385 (2023), No. 131422, 

Castridis, S.; Fröhlich, T.: Investigations on the influence of the fastener type on the shear behaviour in case of concrete edge failure. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 47-60

Cattaneo, S.; Mahadik, V.; Genesio, G.; Hofmann, J.: Influence of edge proximity on concrete breakout failure in post-installed RC columns foundation joints. In: Materials and Structures 56 (2023), No. 7, ID 119, 

Das, A.; Bosnjak, J.; Sharma, A.: Post-fire bond behaviour if reinforcement in concrete considering different bonded lengths and position of rebars. In: Engineering Structures 296 (2023), No. 116908, 

Frank, L.; Weihe, S.: Component tests and numerical investigations to determine the lifetime  and failure behavior of end stage blades. In: Journal of Engineering for gas turbines and power 145 (2023), No. 011013, 

Füchslin, M.; Grönquist, P.; Stucki, S.; Mamie, T.; Kelch, S.; Burgert, I.; Frangi, A.: Push-out tests of wet-process adhesive-bonded beech timber-concrete and timber-polymer-concrete composite connections. In: Nyrud, A.Q.; Malo, K.A.; Nore, K. (Eds.): World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo 2023: timber for a livable future. Red Hook, NY.: Curran Associates Inc., 2023, pp. 3241-3247,

Grönquist, P.; Müller, K.; Mönch, S.; Frangi, A.: Design of adhesively bonded timber-concrete composites: bondline properties. In: 10th International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER) Meeting 2023, Biel; Proceedings, paper 56-7-5,

Grönquist, P.; Töpler, J.; Tapia, C.: Polar representation of material elasticity applied to wood and engineered wood products. In: 20th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2023, Porto,

Grüter, C.; Gordon, M.; Muster, M.; Kastner, F.; Grönquist, P.; Frangi, A.; Langenberg, S.; De Wolf, C.: Design for and from dissassembly with timber elements: strategies based on two case studies from Switzerland. In: Frontiers in Built Environment 9 (2023),

Hankele, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Beschreibung des Versagensverhaltens von additiv gefertigten Proben aus AlSi10mg. In: Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen : 8. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen, 28. und 29. November 2023, Berlin. Berlin : DVM, 2023,

Haspel, L.; Ebentheuer Barceló, J.; Krenn, B.; Oevermann, P.; Fettke, M.; Schneider, L.; Weidner, P.; Ruff, D.C.; Ummenhofer, T.; Birtel, V.; Castridis, S.; Lotze, D.; Abrishambaf, A.; Hückler, A.; Schlaich, M.: Carbonzugglieder unter statischer und nicht ruhender Beanspruchung - Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsverbundvorhaben NeZuCa. In: Stahlbau 92 (2023), No. 7, S. 437-452,

Haynack, A.; Zadran, S.; Timothy, J.J.; Gambarelli, S.; Kränkel, T.; Thiel, C.; Ozbolt, J.; Gehlen, C.: Can a hand-held 3D scanner capture temperature-induced strain of mortar samples? Comparison between experimental measurements and numerical simulations. In: Mathematics 11 (2023), No. 17, ID 3672,

Holzwarth, M.; Baer, W.; Mayer, U.; Weihe, S.: Untersuchung des Master-Curve-Konzepts für ferritische Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit. In: Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung (Hrsg.): Bruchmechanische Werkstoff- und Bauteilbewertung: Beanspruchungsanalyse, Prüfmethoden und Anwendungen; 55. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchmechanik und Bauteilsicherheit; Darmstadt, Germany, 14.-15.02.2023. Berlin: Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung, [2023], S. 101-108

Juengert, A.; Friedrich, M.; Klenk, A.: Long term coupling of sensors in high temperatures environment. In: EWGAE35 & ICAE10 Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2022. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 28 (2023), No. 1, ID 27597, 

Kaess, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Residual stress formation mechanisms in laser powder bed fusion - a numerical evaluation. In: Materials 16 (2023), No. 6, ID. 2321, 

Kanzler, D.; Rentala, V.; Heckel, T.; Keßler, S.; Dethof, F.; Jüngert, A.; Vrana, J.: NormPOD - a generalized POD approach: from ferritic welding to reinforced concrete structures. In: Proceedings of SPIE 12491 (2023), No. 1249102

Kettler, K.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Experimental and numerical investigations on the relaxation behaviour of power plant flange connections under steady state and transient conditions. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2023, July 16–21, 2023 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. New York : ASME, 2023, No. PVP2023-105456

Kettler, K.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Experimental investigations on a model of a power plant flange under steady state and transient load. In: Materials at High Temperatures (2023), online first, 

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Concrete cone failure of post-installed fasteners during fire. In: ce-papers 6 (2023), No. 1, pp. 373-380, 

Lehmann, F.; Hille, F.: Dauerüberwachung von Ingenieurbauwerken: das neue Merkblatt B 09 der DGZfP. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 118 (2023), No. 4, S. 275-280, 

Maci, N.; Hofmann, J.: Influence on the load-displacement behaviour of steel-to-concrete connections woth post-installed adhesive anchors. In: ce-papers 6 (2023), No. 1, pp. 471-481, 

Mahadik, V.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Cast-in and post-installed rebar anchorage systems in RC column foundation joints: system specific assessment and design. In: Engineering Structures 276 (2023), No. 115356,  

Markert, M.; Garrecht, H.: Einfluss von RC-Gesteinskörnung auf das Druckkriechen eines hochfesten Betons. In: CE Papers 6 (2023), Nr. 6, S. 984-990, 

Megahed, S.; Krämer, K. M.; Heinze, C.; Kontermann, C.; Udoh, A.; Weihe, S.; Oechsner, M.: Creep of IN738LC manufactured with laser powder bed fusion: effect of build orientation and twinning. In: Materials at High Temperatures, Online first., 

Megahed, S.; Krämer, K.; Heinze, C.; Konterman, C.; Udoh, A.; Weihe, S.; Oechsner, M.: Development and Evaluation of Generic Test Pieces for Creep Property Assessment of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Components. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 26.06.2023 - 30.06.2023, Volume 8: Industrial and Cogeneration; Manufacturing Materials and Metallurgy: Boston: American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, 2023, 

Megahed, S.; Krämer, K.M.; Heinze, C.; Kontermann, C.; Udoh, A.; Weihe, S.; Oechsner, M.: Influence of build orientation on the creep behavior of IN738LC manufactured with laser powder bed fusion. In: Materials Science and Engineering A 878 (2023), No. 145197,

Megahed, S.; Krämer, K.M.; Kontermann, C.; Heinze, C.; Udoh, A.; Weihe, S.; Oechsner, M.: Micro-twinning in IN738LC manufactured with laser powder bed fusion. In: Materials 16 (2023), No. 17, 5918,

Münzer, A.; Dill-Langer, G.: Monitoring of timber structures by fiber-optic sensors: concept and first results. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 115-130

Nitschke, A.; Neumann, S.; Gerber, S.; Kumme, R.; Tegtmeier, F.: Entwicklung eines Kraft-Transfernormals für die Kalibrierung periodischer Kräfte in Werkstoffprüfmaschinen mit Quantifizierung parasitärer Einflussgrößen. In: TM Technisches Messen 90 (2023), Nr. 6, S. 387-401,

Onufrijevs, P.; Grase, L.; Padgurskas, J.; Rukanskis, M.; Durena, R.; Willer, D.; Iesalnieks, M.; Lungevics, J.; Kaupuzs, J.; Rukuiza, R.; Kriukiene, R.; Hanesch, Y.; Speicher, M.: Anisotropy of the tribulogical performance of periodically oxidated laser-induced periodic surface structures. In: Coatings 13 (2023), No. 7, 

Ormarsson, S.; Kuai, L.; Mahjoub, M.A.; Aicher, S..: Numerical and experimental study of glulam beams jointed with slotted-in steel plate connection. In: Nyrud, A.Q.; Malo, K.A.; Nore, K. (Eds.): World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo 2023: timber for a livable future. Red Hook, NY.: Curran Associates Inc., 2023, pp. 1261-1268

Osorio, D.; Gotti, A.; Kauffmann, F.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Creep, fatigue and creep-fatigue behaviour of martensitic/bainitic steels and nickel-based alloys and their welded joints at the temperature range 500°C-750°C. In: Materials at High Temperatures, online first, 

Osorio, D.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Component test of nickel-based alloys and their welded joints under long-term creep loading. In: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 206 (2023), No. 105049, 

Ozbolt, J.: Modeling deterioration of RC structures due to environmental conditions. In: Rossi, P.; Tailhan, J.-L.: Numerical modeling strategies for sustainable concrete structures. Cham : Springer Publishing International, 2023. (RILEM Bookseries ; 38), pp. 278-288

Ožbolt, J.; Gambarelli, S; Zadran, S.: Coupled hygro-mechanical (CHM) meso-scale analysis of long-term creep and shrinkage of concrete cylinders. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 131-150

Pestka, J.; Weihe, S.: Influence of the Joining Force on the Nugget Diameter During Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminum Materials. In: Kiefl, N.; Wulle, F.; Ackermann, C. et al. (Hrsg.): Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains. ARENA2036, S. 96–107. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023., 

Petrasch, M.; Hofmann: Strengthening of anchor channels on the concrete surface. In: ce-papers 6 (2023), No. 1, pp. 494-505,

Pimienta, P.; McNamee, R.; Hager, I.; u.a.; Bosnjak, J.; u.a.; Lakhani; u.a.: Recommendations of RILEM TC 256-SPF on the method of testing concrte spalling due to fire: material screening test. In: Materials and Structures 56 (2023), No. 9, ID 164

Pröbsting, A.; Mahadik, V.; Schuler, H.; Hofmann, J.: Finite element analysis of clamped shear walls under earthquake action. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 151-166

Reinhardt, H.W.; Mielich, O.: Alternative method to predict residual service life of concrete airfield pavement with emphasis on runways. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 177-186

Ressel, W.; Engel, C.; Ferraro, P.; Alber, S.; Garrecht, H.; Mielich, O.; Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung an Bauweisen mit Betondecke der Belastungsklasse Bk100. Bremen: Fachverlag NW in Carl Ed. Schünemann Verlag. (Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen : S, Straßenbau ; 190). ISBN 978-3-95606-745-7

Riedlsperger, F.; Wojcik, T.; Buzolin, R.; Zuderstorfer, G.; Speicher, M.; Sommitsch, C.; Sonderegger, B.: Microstructural insights into creep of Ni-based alloy 617 at 700°C provided by electron microscopy and modelling. In: Materials Characterization 198 (2023), No. 112720,

Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Verissimo, G.S.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.: Quantifying the extent of local damage of a 60-year-old prestressed concrete bridge: a hybrid SHM approach. In: Structural Health Monitoring 22 (2023), No. 1. pp. 496-517, 

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Carlo, J.C.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: CFD-based wind pressure coefficients on building facades with Butterfly/OpenFOAM for airflow network models. In: IBPSA Brasil, VII Congresso Latino Americano de Simulacao de Edificios, IBPSA Latam 2023, Florianopolis, Brasil, 9 e 10 de marco de 2023

Schopf, T.; Weihe, S.; Daniel, T.; Smaga, M.; Beck, T.: Fatigue behavior and lifetime assessment of an austenitic stainless steel in the VHCF regime at ambient and elevated temperatures. In: Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Mechanics (2023), online first, 

Shishova, E.; Panzer, F.; Werz, M.; Eberhard, P.: Reversible inter-particle bonding in SPH for improved simulation of friction stir welding. In: Computational Particle Mechanics 10 (2023), pp. 555-564, 

Simon, K.; Aicher, S.: Rigid glulam joints to concrete abutments with glued-in steel rods. In: Nyrud, A.Q.; Malo, K.A.; Nore, K. (Eds.): World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo 2023: timber for a livable future. Red Hook, NY.: Curran Associates Inc., 2023, pp. 1443-1452

Smaga, M.; Sorich, A.; Daniel, T.; Beck, T.; Kohler, C.; Soppa, E.; Speicher, M.: Nano-twinning and uncommon α-martensite formation as a result of very high cycle fatigue of metastable austenitic stainless steel at 537 K. In: Scripta Materialia 231 (2023), No. 115457, 

Tapia, C.; Aicher, S.: A new concept for column-to-column connections for multi-storey timber buildings - numerical and experimental investigations. In: Engineering Structures 295 (20236), No. 116770, 

Tapia, C.; Amtsberg, F.; Münzer, F.; Aicher, S.; Menges, A.: Rotational stiffness of newly developed LVL-based column-head reinforment for point-supported slab-column building systems. In: Nyrud, A.Q.; Malo, K.A.; Nore, K. (Eds.): World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo 2023: timber for a livable future. Red Hook, NY.: Curran Associates Inc., 2023, pp. 688-697, 

Tapia, C.; Wagner, H.W.; Treml, S.; Menges, A.; Aicher, S.: Point-support reinforcement for a highly efficient timber hollow core slab system. In: Nyrud, A.Q.; Malo, K.A.; Nore, K. (Eds.): World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo 2023: timber for a livable future. Red Hook, NY.: Curran Associates Inc., 2023, pp. 2978-2986, 

Teichmann, A.; Strahm, B.; Garrecht, H.; Blandini, L.: Effects of a two-stage mixing process on the characteristics of concrete: Part 1: Hardened concrete characteristics. In: Results in Materials 23 (2024), ID 100604,

Teichmann, L.; Resta, L.F.; Hein, H.; Dinga, G.T.; Ramadan, Z.; Bögle, A.; Mondino, D.; Garrecht, H.; Sustainable development in listed districts: CO2 neutral World Heritage Speicherstadt Hamburg. Bauphysik 46 (2024), No. 3, S. 127-134,

Töpler, J.; Schweigler, M.; Lemaître, R.; Palma, P.; Schenk, M.; Grönquist, P.; Tapia, C.; Hochreiner, G.; Kuhlmann, U.: Finite element based design of timber structures. 10th International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER) Meeting 2023, Biel; Proceedings, paper 56-102-1,

Villing, J.; Lehmann, F.; Schreiner, M.; Ernst, H.: Algorithms for magnetic flux leakage testing. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 195-226

Walz, D.; Göbel, R.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Effect of weld length on strength, fatigue behaviour and microstructure of intersecting stitch-friction stir welded AA 6016-T4 sheets. In: Materials 16 (2023), No. 2, ID 513, 

Weikert-Müller, M.; Weber, F.; Thieltges, S.; Smaga, M.; Silber, F.; Rudolph, J.; Bergholz, S.; Bechtgold, E.: Development of a new thermo-mechanical load and fatigue monitoring approach based on electromagnetic acoustic transducers - EMUS-4-STRESS. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2023, July 16–21, 2023 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. New York : ASME, 2023, No. PVP2023-107274

Zadran, S.; Ozbolt, J.; Gambarelli, S.: Numerical analysis of the freezing behavior of saturated cementitious materials with different amounts of chloride. In: Materials 16 (2023), No. 19, ID 6594, 

Aicher, S.; Simon, K.: Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity parallel to culm axis of Guadua bamboo (g. Angustifolia) – effect of specimen aspect and slenderness ratios, nodes, density and preservation treatment. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 9-34

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Bender, T.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Creep-fatigue assessment of martensitic welds based on numerically determined load deformation. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2022, July 17-22, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. New York : ASME, 2022, No. PVP2022-84298

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Böhm, C; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Practical Approach to Eliminate Solidification Cracks by Supplementing AlMg4.5Mn0.7 with AlSi10Mg Powder in Laser Powder Bed Fusion. In: Materials 15 (2022), Nr. 2, 572

Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Nonlinear spring modelling approach for the evaluation of tension loaded anchorages in cracked concrete. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 170-181

Deutscher, M.; Markert, M.; Scheerer, S.: Influence of temperature on the compressive strength of high performance and ultra-high performance concretes. In: Structural Concrete 23 (2022), Nr. 4, pp. 2381-2390

Dill-Langer, G.; Siby, S.; Stimpfle, L.; Aicher, S.: Hybrid timber-steel-concrete girders – a sustainable alternative for heavy duty applications. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 35-54

Duan, X.; Homiack, M.; Tregoning, R.; Alzbutas, R.; Dedhia, D.; Dillström, P.; Dubyk, Y.; Heckmann, K.; Kim, Y.-B.; Kurth, R.; Li, Y.; Mao, G.; Nagai, M.; Oinonen, A.; Sallaberry, C.; Sjim, D.J.; Stefanini, L.; Stumpfrock, L.: Overview of international probabilistic fracture mechanics code models and capabilities for piping applications. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Durmaz, Ali Riza; Natkowski, E.; Arnaudov, N.; Sonnweber-Ribic, P.; Weihe, S.; Münstermann, S.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P.: Micromechanical fatigue experiments for validation of microstructure-sensitive fatigue simulation models. In: International Journal of Fatigue 160 (2022), July, No. 106824

Dwenger, F.; Kohler, C.; Kerkhof, K.: Modelling of the load-displacement behavior of undercut anchors and comparison with large-scale tests. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Fröhlich, T.; Castridis, S.: Fatigue behavior of fastenings with supplementary reinforcement: current need for research. Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 55-66

Fröhlich, T.; Hofmann, J.; Ziwes, M.; Kuhlmann, U.: Ermüdungsverhalten von Kopfbolzen in Beton- und Verbundkonstruktionen. In: Beton- und Stahlbeton 117 (2022), S. 37-46

Fröhlich, T.; Lotze, D.: Experimental investigation on the fatigue design of anchor channels In: Structural Concrete 23 (2022), No. 5, pp. 2867-2877

Fröhlich, T.; Lotze, D.; Hofmann, J.: Effect of static load level on the fatigue resistance of post-installed anchors in case of steel failure.  In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 652-663

Gambarelli, S.; Bošnjak, J.: Durability of wood - integration of experimental and numerical approach. In: Research Outreach (2022), June

Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: 3D hygro-mechanical meso-model for wood. Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 67-90

Garrecht, H.; Reeb, S.; Renner, C.; Hübner, C.; Trebbels, D.: Development of a minimally invasive moisture measurement system for continuous monitoring – moisture damage to the Zeppelin Grandstand in Nuremberg. Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 91-112

Hankele, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Research on the Yield and Fracture Behavior of Microporous AlSi10Mg Generated by Selective Laser Melting in Local Stress Concentrations Caused by Different Notches. In: Shamsaei, N.; Seifi, M. (Eds.): Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2020. West Conshoshocken, Pa.: ASTM International, 2022,

Heckmann, K.; Sievers, J.; Silber, F.; Weihe, S.: Discussion of phenomena and computational modeling for flow through steam generator tube leaks. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Heckmann, K.; Silber, F.E.; Bass, R.; Dillström, P.; Duan, X.; Kang, S.Y.; Kim, Y.-B.; Kim, Y.; Krhounek, V.; Mao, G.; Niffenegger, M.; Samohyl, P.; Sievers, J.; Singh, P.K.; Tregoning, R.; Wallace, J.; Williams, P.: International leak rate benchmark: phase one results of the OECD/NEA/CSNI activity. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions

Heckmann, K.; Silber, F.; Sievers, J.; Stumpfrock, L.; Weihe, S.: A metastable jet model for leaks in steam generator tubes. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design 389 (2022), No. 111673

Heinemann, C.; Kontermann, C.; Schwienheer, M.; Müller, F.; Speicher, M.; Oechsner, M.:  Extrapolation methods: development, application and validation of novel methods: advanced testing concepts. In: Materials at high temperatures 39 (2022), online first

Hejazi, B.; Luz, C.; Grüner, F.; Frick, J.: Chemical and mineralogical compositions of Persian traditional adobe bricks. Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 113-122

Hofmann, J.; Mahadik, V.; Sharma, A.: Assessment framework in background of TR069. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 506-515

Hofmann, J.; Weihe, S.; Kerkhof, K.; Dwenger, F.; Ries, M.; Henkel, F.O.: Assessment of piping integrity with post-installed anchor fastenings during seismic loading. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Jüngert, A.; Jacobs, O.; Stumpfrock, L.; Weihe, S.: Reliability considerations for ultrasonic testing at crack fields in large forgings. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Jüngert, A.; Werz, M.; Maev, R.G.; Brauns, M.; Labud, P.: Nondestructive testing of welds. In: Meyendorf, N.; Ida, N.: Singh, R.; Vrana, J. (Eds.): Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation 4.0. Cham : Springer, 2022, S. 819-858

Kagay, B.; Ronevich, J.; San Marchi, C.: Influence of high-pressure hydrogen gas and pre-charged hydrogen on fatigue crack initiation and fatigue life of 255 super duplex stainless. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2022, July 17-22, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. New York : ASME, 2022, No. PVP2022-84797

Kubotsch, M.; Scheck, R.; Willer, D.; Speicher, M.; Soppa, E.A.: Impact of surface preparation on the formation of deformation-induced α-Martensit in einem metastabilen austenitischen Stahl. Praktische Metallographie 59 (2022), Nr. 2, S. 75-91

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: 3D FE simulation of bonded anchors under tensile load during fire. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 839-850

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Finite element analysis of anchor base plate. Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 123-134

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.; Aggarwal, J.: Evaluation of pull-out capacity of post-installed rebars during fire: sensitivity to thermal properties. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 815-826

Leibing, B.; Locquenghien, F. von; Rückle, D.; Schellenberg, G.: Corrosion fatigue investigations on cast, forged and welded nickel-martensitic steels for hydro turbines. In: IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022), No. 012092

Mahadik, V.; Hofmann, J.; Genesio, G.; Sharma, A.: Concrete breakout failures in rebar end anchorages. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 146-157

Mally, L.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Feasability study on additive manufacturing of ferritic steels to meet mechanical properties of safety relevant forged parts. In: Materials 15 (2022), Nr. 1

Markert, M.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.: Influence of the concrete moisture content on the strain development due to cyclic loading. In: Zingoni, A. (Ed.): Current perspectives and new directions in mechanics, modelling and design of structural systems: proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation SEMC 2022, Cape Town, 5.-7th September 2022. London : CRC Press, 2022, pp. 1352-1356

Markert, M.; Castridis, S.; Fleck, M.: Influence of concrete moisture on the flexural strength of carbon fibre reinforced concrete. Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 135-144

Markert, M.; Deutscher, M.: Influence of concrete compressive strength on fatigue behaviour under cyclic compressive loading. In: Zingoni, A. (Ed.): Current perspectives and new directions in mechanics, modelling and design of structural systems: proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation SEMC 2022, Cape Town, 5.-7th September 2022. London : CRC Press, 2022, pp. 1339-1344

Markert, M.; Gebuhr, G.: Influence of concrete moisture on the pull-out resistance of steel fibres. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 907-917

Markert, M.; Katzmann, J.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.; Steeb, H.: Investigation of the influence of moisture content on fatigue behaviour of HPC by using DMA and XRCT. In: Materials 15 (2022), Nr. 1

Mayer, U.: Insights on how to use the master curve method at elevated loading rates. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

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Mutz, A.; Kerkhof, K.; Hofmann, J.: Structural Integrity of small-diameter piping during seismic loading. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Ozbolt, J.; Gambarelli, S.; Zadran, S.: Coupled hygro-mechanical meso-scale analysis of long-tem creep and shrinkage of concrete cylinder. In: Engineering Structures 262 (2022), No. 114332

Rudolph, J.; Herbst, M.; Grimm, M.; Roth, A.; Willuweit, A.; Swacek, C.; Schopf, T.; Weihe, S.: Consideration of important effects in environmentally assisted fatigue (EAF) of austenitic and ferritic steel components including welds and development of a practical fatigue assessment concept. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.: Development of a high sensor-count SHM of a prestressed concrete bridge using fibe optic sensors. In: Sena-Cruz, J.; Correia, L.; Azenha, M (Eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd RILEM Spring Convention and Conference (RSCC 2020). Cham : Springer, 2022. (RILEM Bookseries ; 34), Volume 3, pp 183-195

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Schneider, Y.; Weber, U.; Xu, C.; Zielke, R.; Schmauder, S.; Tillmann, W.: Experimental and numerical investigations of micro-meso damage evolution for a WC/Co-type tool material. In: Materialia 21 (2022), No. 101343

Schopf, T.; Weihe, S.; Rudolph, J.: Investigations on multi-stage tests and transient endurance limit behavior under low-, high- and very high cycle fatigue loads. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2022, July 17-22, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. New York : ASME, 2022, No. PVP2022-84718

Schopf, T.; Weihe, S.; Rudolph, J.: Recent developments of advanced calculation concepts for the fatigue assessment of power plant components. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2022, July 17-22, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. New York : ASME, 2022, No. PVP2022-85543

Silber, F.E.; Stumpfrock, L.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Computational determination of stress concentration factors for spherical and cylindrical shells with nozzles. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Silber, F.E.; Weihe, S.; Heckmann, K.; Sievers, J.: Specimen testing for steam generator tube leaks with measurement of flow patterns. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.: Behavior of column shoe systems - experimental and accompanying finite element investigations. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 118-132

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.: The beam end test as a test specimen for the bond of reinforcement bars in concrete. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 528-540

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Tragverhalten von Stützenschuhverbindungen; Teil 1: Experimentelle Untersuchungen. In: Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau (2022), Nr. 1, S. 29-38

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Tragverhalten von Stützenschuhverbindungen; Teil 2: Untersuchungen zum Verformungsverhalten mit FE-Rechnungen. In: Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau (2022), Nr. 2, S. 41-47

Smaga, M.; Daniel, T.; Regitz, E.; Beck, T.; Schopf, T.; Veile, G.; Weihe, S.; Rudolph, J.; Fischer, U.: Very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) behvior of austenitic stainless steels and their welds for reactor internals at ambient and operating relevant temperature. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

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Streib, D.; Aicher, S.; Gauss, F.; Caussarieu, G.; Peter, B.: The timber grid shell of the new elephant house at the zoological-botanical garden Wilhelma in Stuttgart – investigations on joint stiffnesses and capacities. Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 171-200

Stumpfrock, L.; Weber, U.; Weihe, S.; Seidenfuss, M.; Mally, L.: Investigations on the failure behavior of specimens containing crack fields made by additive manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2022, July 17-22, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. New York : ASME, 2022, No. PVP2022-84666

Tapia, C.; Aicher, S.: Survival analysis of tensile strength variation and simulated length-size effect along oak boards. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics 148 (2022), No. 1, ID 04021130

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Vita, N.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Strengthening of anchorages with post-installed reinforcement under shear loading. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 231-245

Wackenhut, G.; Lammert, R.; Silber, F.; Weihe, S.: CPS - an advanced tool for monitoring fatigue and fracture on pipes and other mechanical components. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP 2022, July 17-22, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. New York : ASME, 2022, No. PVP2022-84753

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Al-Rousan, R.Z.; Sharma, A.: Integration of FRP sheet as internal reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam-column joints exposed to sulfate damaged. In: Structures 31 (2021), pp. 891-908

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Böhm, C.; Hagenlocher, C.; Wagner, J.; Graf, T.; Weihe, S.: Analytical description of the criterion for the columnar-to-equiaxed transition during laser beam welding of aluminium alloys. In: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52 (2021), pp. 2720-2731

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Brück, S.; Blinn, B.; Diehl, K.; Wissing, Y.; Müller, J.; Schwarz, M.; Christ, H.-J.; Beck, T.; Staedler, T.; Jiang, X.; Butz, B.; Weihe, S.: Analysis of hydrogen-induced changes in the cyclic deformation behavior of AISI 300-Series austenitic stainless steels using cyclic indentation testing. In: Metals 11 (2021), No. 6, 923

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Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: 3D hygro-mechanical meso-scale model for wood. In: Construction and Building Materials 311 (2021), No. 125283

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Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Concrete cone failure of headed stud under different fire exposure. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 20 (2021), S.135-146

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.; Bal, A.: FE analysis of fasteners exposed to fire: evaluation of concrete cone capacity. In: Pečenko, R.; Huč, S.; Chifliganec, C.; Hozjan, T.: Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, Proceedings; 7th Applications of Structural Fire Engineering (ASFE'21), 10-11 Jun 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia. University of Ljubljana

Laumann, S.; Lehmann, F.; Hofmann, J.: An approach for ultrasound-based ultimate load prediction of fasteners in concrete. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 20 (2021), S. 147-160

Lazik, P.-R.; Garrecht, H.: Wood ashes from electrostatic filter as a replacement for the fly ashes in concrete. In: Journal of Construction Materials 2 (2021), pp. 2-6

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Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.:Structural health monitoring of concrete structures using fibre-optic-based sensors: a review. In: Magazine of Concrete Research 73 (2021), No. 4, pp. 174-194

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Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Frick, J.; Stipetic, M.; Oertel, T.; Garrecht, H.: Hygrothermal performance of a new aerogel-based insulating render through weathering: impact on building energy effiency. In: Building and Environment 202 (2021), September, No. 108004

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Schopf, T.; Weihe, S.; Daniel, T.; Smaga, M.; Beck, T.; Rudolph, J.: Fatigue behavior and lifetime assessment of the austenitic stainless steel AISI 347 and its associated filler metal ER 347 under low-, high-, and very high cycle fatigue loadings. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, PVP 2021,  July 13-5, 2021 (virtual conference), No: 62005

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Das, A.; Sharma, A.; Bosnjak, J.: Numerical investigations on the influence of concrete cover on bond behaviour of reinforcement in concrete after fire. In: Gatuingt, F.; Torrenti, J.-M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2020 Session of the 13th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, held in Paris, France, August 26-28, 2020. Lausanne : FIB, 2020, pp. 279-286

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Frick, J.; Sakiyama, N.; Hejazi, B.; Lehmann, F.; Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.; Garrecht, H.: Real time monitoring and salt transport and related modelling. In: Siegesmund, S.; Middendorf, B. (Eds.): Monument Future : decay and conservation of stone : proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. Halle : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2020, S. 431-436

Frick, J.; Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Stipetic, M.; Garrecht, H.: Large scale laboratory and field tests of aerogel renders. In: Serrat, C.; Casas, J.R.; Gibert, V. (Eds.): Current topics on durability of building materials and components: proceedings of the XV. edition of the International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components (DBMC 2020), Barcelona, Spain, 20 - 23 October 2020. Barelona : CIMNE, 2020, pp. 231-238

Frick, J.; Stipetic, M.; Mielich, O.; Garrecht, H.: Studies on thermal performance of advanced aerogel-based materials. In: Littlewood, J.; Howlett, R.J.; Capozzoli, A.; Jain, L.C. (Eds.): Sustainability in Energy and Buildings : Proceedings of SEB 2019. Singapore : Springer, 2020, pp. 641-649

Fröhlich, T.; Castridis, S.: Detection of fatigue damage in fasteners using ultrasound. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 19 (2020), S. 21-32

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Fuchs, W.; Eligehausen, R.; Hofmann, J.: Bemessung der Verankerung von Befestigungen in Beton - EN 1992-4, der neue Eurocode 2, Teil 4. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 115 (2020), Nr. 1, S. 36-44

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Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: Dynamic fracture of concrete in compression: 3D finite element analysis at meso- and macro-scale. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 19 (2020), S. 33-48

Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: Dynamic fracture of concrete in compression: 3D finite element analysis at meso- and macro-scale. In: Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 32 (2020), online first

Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: MESO-scale modeling of CFRP-confined concrete: microplane-based approach. In: Fibers 8 (2020), No. 6, 38

Garrecht, H.: Functionalized lightweight concretes with mineral and biogenic aggregates. In: BFT International 86 (2020), Nr. 2, pp. 39-40

Garrecht, H.: Hybrid roof and facade elements as low-exergy components in climate-neutral building and community concepts. In: BFT International 86 (2020), Nr. 2, pp. 27-28

Garrecht, H.: Potentials for digitizing the concrete production process. In: BFT International 86 (2020), Nr. 2, pp. 51-52

Garrecht, H.: Potentials for future infrastructural projects. In: BFT International 86 (2020), Nr. 2, pp. 101-102

Gecgel, A.S.; Baumert, C.; Garrecht, H.: Sensor-based method for testing the sedimentation stability of modern concretes at construction sites in research and development. In: CPI Concrete Plant International (2020), No. 6, pp. 14-19

Geiger, S.; Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Heat transfer analysis of bonded anchors in solid and perforated calcium silicate masonry stones. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 19 (2020), S. 49-60

Grüner, F.; Zöldföldi. J.: Natural stone exchange and quality assurance in the case of the Ulm Minster in Baden-Württemberg. In: Siegesmund, S.; Middendorf, B. (Eds.): Monument Future : decay and conservation of stone : proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. Halle : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2020, S. 919-924

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Lakhani, H.; Aggarwal, J.; Hofmann, J.: Predicting the fire rating of cantilever slab-wall connection with post installed rebar. In: Lange, D.; u.a. (Eds.):Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structures in Fire, SiF 2020, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 30th November - 2nd December 2020. Brisbane : University of Queensland, 2020, pp. 196-203

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Bokor, B.; Pregartner, T.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Bemessung von zugbeanspruchten Befestigungen in Beton mit einem nicht-linearen Federmodell-Hintergrund und Softwarelösung für die Versagensart Betonausbruch. In: Bauingenieur 94 (2019), Nr. 9, S. 326-335

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Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Spring modelling approach for evaluation and design of tension loaded anchor groups in case of concrete cone failure. In: Engineering Structures 197 (2019), ID 109414

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Fröhlich, T.; Lotze, D.: Fatigue behaviour of fastenings under combined static and dynamic loading. In: Derkowski, W., u.a. (Eds.): Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures; Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019, Krakow, Poland, 27-29 May 2019, pp. 1920-1927

Fröhlich, T.; Lotze, D.: Fatigue of fastenings - investigations on the effect of static load level. In: Otto Graf Journal 18 (2019), S. 79-88

Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: Dynamic fracture of concrete in compression: 3D finite element analysis at meso- and macro-scale. In: Pijaudier-Cabot, G., Grassl, P., La Borderie, C. (Eds.): 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS X, 23-26 June, Bayonne, France

Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: Interaction between damage and time-dependent deformation of mortar in concrete: 3D FE study at meso-scale. In: 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019)

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Hankele, M; Mammadov, G.; Gänz, P., Werz, M.; Weihe, S., Simon, S.: Untersuchung der Prozesseinflüsse beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen auf die Porengrößenverteilung bei Bauteilen aus AlSi10Mg. In: Tagungsband zur 4. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen, 06. und 07. November, Berlin

Hankele, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Quantitative Untersuchungen der statischen und zyklischen Festigkeitseigenschaften von additiv gefertigten Proben aus AlSi10Mg. In: Richard, H.A., Schramm, B., Zipsner, T. (Eds.): Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen und Strukturen: Neue Erkenntnisse und Praxisbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2019, S. 127-144

Heinemann, C.; Schwienheer, M.; Kontermann, C.; Speicher, M.; Bender, T.; Klenk, A.: Fortschrittliche Methoden zur gesicherten Bestimmung und Auswertung von Zeitdehn- und Zeitstandbruchkennwerten. Abschlussbericht zum AVIF-Forschungsvorhaben A 297

Hejazi, B.; Sakiyama, N.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Hygrothermal Simulations Comparative Study: Assessment of Different Materials Using WUFI and DELPHIN Software. In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA

Hennrich, C.C.; Luthardt, C.; Reeb, S.; Garrecht, H.; Diers, C.: Schloss Erxleben - Innovative Sanierungsmethoden für die denkmalgerechte, ressourcenschonende Sanierung denkmalbedeutender Kulturgüter als Bildungs- und Informationsprogramm. In: Bausubstanz 10 (2019), Nr. 1, S. 24-31

Hofmann, J.; Dambach, L.; Cenk Köse, E.: Corrosion of bonded anchors in concrete. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 131-140

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Ibrahim, M.; Nocentini, K.; Stipetic, M.; Dantz, S.; Caiazzo, F. G.; Sayegh, H.; Bianco, L.: Multi-field and multi-scale characterization of novel super insulating panels/systems based on silica aerogels: thermal, hydric, mechanical, acoustic, and fire performance. Building and Environment 151 (2019), pp. 30-42

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Jüngert, A.: Herstellung von Testkörpern mit realistischen Testfehlern für die Ultraschallprüfung mit Phased-Array-Verfahren. In: DGZfP Seminar des FA Ultraschallprüfung, Berlin, 4.-5.11.2019

Jüngert, A.; Maylandt, M.; Friedrich, M.; Huang, M.; Klenk, A.: Ein neues Rohrkonzept für Anwendungen in konventionellen Kraftwerken – Überwachung eines Langzeitversuchs im Kohlekraftwerk mit Schallemissionsmessungen. 22. Kolloquium Schallemission und 3. Anwenderseminar Zustandsüberwachung mit geführten Wellen, 27.-28. März 2019, Karlsruhe

Jüngert, A.; Wackenhut, G.; Lammert, R.; Spies, M.; Rieder, H.: Zuverlässigkeit und ZfP – Lebensdauerbewertung von Komponenten unter Einbeziehung von Ultraschallprüfungen. In: DACH Jahrestagung 2019, Friedrichshafen, 27.-29.5.2019

Käß, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Finite element simulation of residual stresses and distortions in selective laser melting. In: Sommitsch, C.; Enzinger, N.; Mayr, P. (Hrsg.): Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 12 : selected peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability : September 23–26, 2018, Graz, Schloss Seggau, Austria. Graz : Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2019, S. 281-293

Käß, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Numerische Simulation zur Vorhersage von Temperaturfeldern, Eigenspannungen und Verzug beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen. In: Richard, H.A.; Schramm, B.; Zipsner, T. (Eds.): Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen und Strukturen: Neue Erkenntnisse und Praxisbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2019, S. 199-221

Kerkhof, K.; Garrecht, H.; Weihe, S.: Large Scale Tests on the Coupled System Building – Post Installed Anchor – Piping at Earthquake Loading. Transactions SMiRT-25, August 4-9, 2019, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Division V

Klöck, W.: Lay-up factors for wood-based cross-ply laminates. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp.153-170

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Kuczynska, M.; Maniar, Y.; Schafet, N.; Becker, U.; Weihe, S.: Numerical Prediction of Failure in SnAgCu Solder under Shear and Tensile-dominant Cyclic Loading. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), Hannover, Germany, 23 – 27 March 2019

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Lackovic, L.; Garrecht, H.: Experimental and numerical comparison of bio-based and conventional phase change materials for thermal storage applications. In: 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019)

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Effect of loss in concrete cover during fire on the predicted temperature distribution. In: 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019)

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Effect of loss of concrete cover on the fire resistance of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams: numerical study using fiber beam-column element. In: Huang, S.S., Burgess, I. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 19-20 September 2019

Lehmann, F.; Chataigner, S.; Birtel, V.; Wang, J.; Konrad, O.: Development of a sensor for monitoring mechanically stressed adhesive joints. In: Construction and Building Materials 227 (2019), Nr. 116627

Lehmann, F.; Grüner,F.; Schreiner, M.; Hof, J.: Bauwerksüberwachung am Blauen Turm. Konzeptionierung, Instrumentierung und Betrieb eines Monitoringsystems zur Überwachung der strukturellen Integrität des Blauen Turms in Bad Wimpfen. In: Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart (Hrsg.): Die Instandsetzung des Blauen Turms in Bad Wimpfen. Aktuelle Forschung an Kulturdenkmalen. Tagungsband zum Kolloquium am 17. Mai 2019 in Bad Wimpfen, S 65-73

Lehmann, F.; Sakiyama, F. I. H.; Fackler, R. M.: Fibre optic measurement systems for building monitoring. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 183-196

Leibing, B.; Klenk, A.; Seidenfuss, M.: Component Testing and Numerical Calculation of a Bolted High Temperature Power Plant Pipe Flange Under Complex, Near-Service Loads. In: Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Volume 141, Issue 6

Mack, A.; Lackovic, L.; Lisin, W.; Blatt, C.; Garrecht, H.: Thermoelectric district supply concept including e-mobility. In: 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019)

Mahadik, V.; Hofmann, J.: Creep behaviour of tension loaded adhesive anchors in non-cracked low strength concrete. In: 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019)

Markert, M.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.: Influence of concrete humidity on the temperature development under fatigue compressive loading. In: 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019)

Markert, M.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.: Temperature and humidity induced damage processes in concrete due to pure compressive fatigue loading. In: Derkowski, W., u.a. (Eds.): Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures; Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019, held in Krakow, Poland, 27-29 May 2019, pp. 1928-1935

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Metzger, K; Bergholz, S.; Rudolph, J.; Silber, F.; Klenk, A.; Müller, T.: Advanced Component Fatigue Monitoring Appoaches using the Example of a Boiler Recirculazion Pump. In: Proceedings of the 45th MPA-Seminar, October 1-2, 2019, Stuttgart, pp. 134-147

Mielich, O.: Empfehlungen zur Schadensdiagnose AKR-geschädigter Betonfahrbahndecken unter Berücksichtigung der Bauweise. In: 1. Kolloquium „Straßenbau in der Praxis“, 29.-30. Januar 2019 in Ostfildern, Tagungshandbuch 2019, Technische Akademie Esslingen, S.423-430

Mielich, O.: Rissbildungen und mechanische Betoneigenschaften an einem Fahrbahndeckenbeton mit Alkali-Kieselsäure-Reaktion. In: Beton (2019), Nr. 11, S. 406-415

Mielich, O: Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) on German motorways: An overview. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 197-208

Mielich, O.: Empfehlungen zur Schadensdiagnose AKR-geschädigter Betonfahrbahndecken unter Berücksichtigung der Bauweise. In: Straße und Autobahn 2019, H. 8, S. 666-672

Mielich, O.; Reinhardt, H.-W.; Özkan, H.: Kriechen und mechanische Eigenschaften von Straßenbetonen nach AKR-provozierender Lagerung. In: Beton-und Stahlbetonbau 114 (2019), Nr. 6, S. 419-429

Mielich, O; Zwerger, V.: Zustandserfassung von Betonfahrbahndecken mit Verdacht auf eine schädigende Alkali-Kieselsäure-Reaktion. In Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 114 (2019), Heft 12, S. 899-910

Möller, T. R.; Nitschke, A.; Niendorf, T.; Wegener, T.; Heine, B.; Balci, B.: A contribution to the assessment of the fatigue behavior of additively manufactured Invar (Ni 36). In: Proceedings of the 45th MPA-Seminar, October 1-2, 2019, Stuttgart, pp. 188-195

Müller, B.: Time-dependent deformation behaviour of SAP-modified concrete. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 209-220

Müller, F.; Oechsner, M.; Kontermann, C.; Speicher, M.; Klenk, A.: Aktuelles zum Kriech- und Kriechrissverhalten der Legierung C-263, 42. Vortragsveranstaltung der Forschungsvereinigung Warmfeste Stähle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe am 29. November 2019 in Düsseldorf, S. 63-74

Mueller, F.; Oechsner, M.; Speicher, M.; Klenk, A.: Creep and Creep Crack Behavior of Alloy C-263 Used for Thick-Walled Components - An Update, Proceedings of EPRI’s 9th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants and the 2nd International 123HiMAT Conference on High-Temperature Materials, October 21 – 24, 2019, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 546-557

Offermanns, S.; Weihe, S.: Damage and Failure of Thin-Walled Piping under Detonative Loading. In: 13th International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (ICM-13), 11-14 June 2019, Melbourne, Australia

Özkan, H.: Influence of specimen geometry and size on expansion due to alkali-silica reaction. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 239-248

Panzer, F.; Schneider, M.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Friction stir welded and deep drawn multi-material tailor welded blanks. In: Materials Testing 61 (2019), Nr. 7, S. 643-651, doi: 10.3139/120.111366

Panzer, F.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Development of a model to investigate the interaction between process and machine tool and the resulting dynamics of friction stir welding. In: Sommitsch, C.; Enzinger, N.; Mayr, P. (Hrsg.): Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena 12 : selected peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability : September 23–26, 2018, Graz, Schloss Seggau, Austria. Graz : Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2019, S. 585-613

Popp, T.: Experimental study on shear behaviour of four different thermal insulating materials. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 249-258

Ramadan, Z.; Garrecht, H.: Thermal flow simulation for an energy garden building block. In: 7th International Conference on Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (2019)

Reinhardt, H.-W.; Mielich, O.; Müller, B.: Zum Kriechen von Beton mit Superabsobierenden Polymeren unter Druckbeanspruchung. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 114 (2019), Nr. 7, S. 448-453

Reinhardt, H.W.; Özkan, H.; Mielich, O.: Creep of concrete as influenced by the rate of expansion due to alkali-silica reaction. In: Structural Concrete 20 (2019), Nr. 5, pp. 1781-1791

Rex, J., Sharma; A., Hofmann, J.: A new test specimen to investigate the bond behavior of post-installed reinforcing bars. In: Structural Concrete 20 (2019), No. 2, pp. 583-596

Rohringer, W.; Sommerhuber, R.; Csaszar, L.; Panzer, N.; Wald, S.; Fischer, B.; Garrecht, H.; Grüner, F.; Frick, J.: Material characterization via contact-free detection of surface waves using an optical microphone. In: Ganjian, E.; Limbachiya, M.; Ghafoor, N.; Claisse, P.; Bagheri, M. (Eds.): 5th Int. Conf. on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT5), 14-17 July 2019, Kingston University in Cooperation with Coventry University London, United Kingdom

Rudolph, J.; Herbst, M.; Roth, A.; Swacek, C.; Schopf, T.: Important effects in environmentally assisted fatigue (EAF) of austenitic and ferretic steel components including welds and their consideration in a fatigue assessment concept. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, July 14-20 2019, Paper No:. PVP2019-93913,

Rudolph, J.; Herbst, M.; Roth, A., Willuweit, A., Swacek, C., Schopf, T.: Important Effects in Environmentally Assisted Fatigue (EAF) of Austenitic and Ferritic Steel Components Including Welds and their Consideration in a Fatigue Assessment Concept. In: Proceedings of the 45th MPA-Seminar, October 1-2, 2019, Stuttgart, pp. 227-237

Rusia, A.; Beck, M.; Weihe, S.: Simulation of Self-Piercing Riveting Process and Joint Failure with Focus on Material Damage and Failure Modelling. 12th European LS-DYNA Conference 2019, 14 – 16 May 2019, Koblenz

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Hejazi, S.B.M.; Frick, J.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.: Humidity and Temperature Variation in Building Stones: Comparing Simulation Results and Impedance Measurements. In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, pp. 403-408

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Hejazi, S.B.M.; Oliveira, C.C. de; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Effect of traditional persian materials and parametric design of the thermal performance of a generic building in mediterranean climate. In: Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19), IOP Conf. Series, Earth and Environmental Science 290

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Determination of U-values of render systems supposed to weathering. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 273-284

Sauer, J.; Musialak, J.; Steeb, H.; Markert, M.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.: Experimental characterization of effective mechanical properties of (micro-) fractured high performance concrete, Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Applications, pp. 1439-1443

Sharma, A.; Bosnjak, J.; Bessert, S.: Experimental investigations on residual and performance in concrete subjected to elevated temperature. In: Engineering Structures 187 (2019), pp. 384-395

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Speicher, M.; Bender, T.; Klenk, A.; Müller, F.; Kontermann, C.; Ewald, J.: Assessment of Power Plant Components with Flaws and Defects Operating in the Long-Term Creep Range. In: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 141, Issue 11, pp. 111013, DOI: 10.1115/1.4045020]

Speicher, M.; Jobski, D.; Kontermann, C.: Creep-Fatigue Interactions in 9CR Martensitic Cast Steel: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior. In: Proceedings of EPRI’s 9th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants and the 2nd International 123HiMAT Conference on High-Temperature Materials, October 21 – 24, 2019, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 273-281

Speicher, M.; Osorio, D.; Kohler, C.; Wöllmann, L.; Müller, F.; Kontermann, C.: Simulation of crack behavior of nickel cast alloys with large grain size at high temperature. In: FVV Information Sessions Turbo Machinery, Issue R588, 2019

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Thiele, M.; Eckmann, S.; Huang, M.; Gampe, U.; Fischer, K.A.; Schlesinger, M.: Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Thermally induced Stress Gradients on Fatigue Life of the Nickel-base Alloy MAR-M247. In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Volume 7A: Structures and Dynamics, Phoenix AZ/USA, June 17-21, 2019,

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Tóth, M.; Hofmann, J.: Programme loading fatigue tests on cast-in headed studs. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 345-356

Udoh, A.; Speicher, M.; Klenk, A.: Creep and Failure Behavior of Welded Joints Made of Alloy 617B. In: Proceedings of EPRI’s 9th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants and the 2nd International 123HiMAT Conference on High-Temperature Materials, October 21 – 24, 2019, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 1123-1131

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Vita, N.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Strengthening of anchorages with post-installed supplementary reinforcement under shear loading. In: Otto-Graf-Journal, 18 (2019), pp. 357-368

Weber, M.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Monotonic tests on masonry elements with different angles of inclination of the bed joints under uniaxial compression. In: International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 4 (2019), Nr. 3, pp. 243-264

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Benk, Z.; Schütt, T.; Bacher-Hoechst, M.; Schuler, X.; Weber, U.; Weihe, S.: Bruchmechanisches Bewertungskonzept der Schwingungsrisskorrosion an nichtrostendem Stahl unter Kraftstoffeinfluss. In: Effiziente Auslegung und Absicherung in der Betriebsfestigkeit : 45. Tagung des DVM Arbeitskreises Betriebsfestigkeit 26. und 27. September 2018, Stuttgart/Renningen. Berlin : DVM, 2018.

Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Experimental investigations on tension loaded anchor groups of arbitrary configurations. In: Foster, S.; Gilbert, R.I.; Mendis, P.; Al-Mahaidi, R.; Millar, D. (Eds.): Better, smarter, stronger: Proceedings for the International Federation for Structural Concrete 5th International fib Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 7-11 October 2018

Bosnjak, J.; Sharma, A.; Grauf, K.: Temperature-dependent behavior of fiber reinforced concrete. In: Ludwig, H.-M. (Hrsg.): IBAUSIL 20. Intern. Baustofftagung, 12.-14. September 2018 F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde Weimar. Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität, 2018, S. 1-1185-1-1192

Bosnjak, J.; Sharma, A.; Meskovic, A.; Stipetic, M.: Experimental evaluation on the performance of masonry at elevated temperatures. In: Milani, G.; Talierci, A.; Garrity, S. (Eds.): 10th IMC, International Masonry Conference, Milan, Italy, July 9-11, 2018. Stoke-on-Trent: International Masonry Society, 2018

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Garrecht, H.: Bauphysikalische und raumklimatische Problemstellungen in der Baudenkmalpflege: von der Ursache bis zur Lösung. In: Denkmalpflege als kulturelle Praxis. zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Dokumentation VDL-Jahrestagung, Oldenburg 2017. Hameln: Niemeyer, 2018. (Arbeitshefte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen; 48), S. 106-113

Garrecht, H.: Verwertung in Betonbauteilen - Verbrennungsaschen. In: Betonwerk + Fertigteiltechnik 84 (2018), Nr. 2, S. 102-103

Garrecht, H.; Baumert, C.; Wieland, M.: Erfordernis einer gleichförmigen Rheologie von Betonen am Beispiel der Herstellung von Betonfahrbahnen. In: Viet Tue, N.; Krüger, M.; Freytag, B.; Baldermann, C.; Schulter, D. (Eds.): 4. Grazer Betonkolloquium 20. / 21. September 2018, Beton Graz ‚18. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2018, S. 127-138

Garrecht, H.; Schneider, J.; Blatt, C.: ETA-Fabrik - Energieeffizienz durch intelligente Vernetzung von Gebäude und Maschinen. In: Pahn, M.; Thiele, C.; Glock, O. (Hrsg.): Vielfalt im Massivbau: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Schnell. Berlin: Ernst, 2018, S. 322-342

Garrelts, E.; Fabis, D.; Roth, D.; Werz, M.; Binz, H.; Weihe, S.: Deficits in the Selection of Joining Processes for Car Body Design. In: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 - 15th International Conference, May 21-24, 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 1115-1126

Gauder, P.; Schuler, X.; Seidenfuss, M.: Expeirmental and numerical investigations on the failure behavior of pressurized components containing crack fields. In: Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference -2018- : presented at the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 15-20, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. New York NY: ASME, 2018

Gerber, S.; Ellermeier, J.: Kalibrierung in der Werkstofftechnik als Mittel zur Qualitätssicherung; Calibration in the field of materials engineering as instrument of quality assurance. Material-Wissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 49 (2018), S. 5-11

Gross, J.; Buhl, P.; Weber, U.; Schuler, X.; Krack, M..: Effect of creep on the nonlinear vibration characteristics of blades with interlocked shrouds. In: International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 99 (2018), pp. 240-246

Hankele, M., Werz, M., Weihe, S.: Quantitative Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf die statischen und zyklischen Festigkeits­eigenschaften von additiv gefertigtem AlSi10Mg. In: DGM-Fachtagung „Werkstoffe und additive Fertigung“, 25. – 26.04.2018, Potsdam

Hankele, M., Werz, M., Weihe, S.: Untersuchung der Festigkeitseigenschaften von additiv gefertigtem AlSi10Mg. DVS Congress 2018, 17. – 18.09.2018, Friedrichshafen

Hankele, M., Werz, M., Weihe, S.: Untersuchung der Porengrößenverteilung von additiv gefertigtem AlSi10Mg. DVM-Arbeitskreis „Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen“, 3. Tagung, 07. und 08.11.2018, Berlin

Heckmann, K.; Sievers, J.; Schopf, T.; Schuler, X.; Acosta, R. de; Starke, P.; Boller, C.; Jamrozy, M.; Knyazeva, M.; Walther, F.: Strainlife: efficient fatigue life data generation for an enhanced ageing assessment of metallic components. In: Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference -2018- : presented at the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 15-20, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. New York NY: ASME, 2018

Hezel, J: Stuttgarter Holzbrücke – Erkenntnisse nach 2 Jahren Standzeit. In: 5. Internationale Holzbrückentage (IHB 2018). Holzbrückenbau in der Offensive, 17.4.-18.4.2018, Filderstadt/ Stuttgart

Hofmann, J.: Befestigung. In: Kalksandstein: Planungshandbuch; Planung, Konstruktion, Ausführung. Düsseldorf: Verlag Bau und Technik, 2018, S. 135-149

Hofmann, J.: Erdbebensichere Befestigungen. In: ql2/8 12 Würth Magazin für Ingenieure, Architekten und Planer (2018), Nr. 17, S. 10-18

Huang, M.; Klenk, A.; Kontermann, C.; Oechsner, M.: Einfluss der Mehrachsigkeit auf Kerbstützwirkung unter Kriechermüdungsbeanspruchung. 41. FVWHT-Vortragsveranstaltung 2018. Düsseldorf

Jüngert, A.; Dugan, S.; Homann, T.; Mitzscherling, S.; Prager, J.; Pudovikov, S.; Schwender, T.: Advanced ultrasonic techniques for nondestructive testing of austenitic and dissimilar welds in nuclear facilities. In: AIP Conference Proceedings 1949 (2018), ID 110002

Jüngert, A.; Friedrich, M.; Huang, M.; Klenk, A.; Weihe, S.: Monitoring of CMC-jacketed pipes for high-temperature applications. In: Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference -2018- : presented at the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 15-20, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. New York NY : ASME, 2018

Jüngert, A.; Swacek, C.; Gauder, P.; Schuler, X.: Ultraschalluntersuchungen an Rissfeldern in großen Schmiedekomponenten. In: DGZfP-Jahrestagung 2018, 7.5.-9.5.2018, Leipzig

Jüngert, A.; Große, C.: Anwendungen der lokalen akustischen Resonanzspektroskopie (LARS) an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen. In: Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2018, 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 19.-22.3.2018, München

Käß, M., Werz, M., Weihe, S.: Parametrische Untersuchung der Diskretisierung für die numerische Simulation von Temperaturfeldern, Eigenspannungen und Verzügen beim selektiven Laserschmelzen, DGM-Fachtagung „Werkstoffe und additive Fertigung“, 25. – 26.04.2018, Potsdam.

Käß, M., Werz, M., Weihe, S.: Finite Element Simulation of Temperature Fields and Residual Stresses in Selective Laser Melting. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar “Numerical Analysis of Weldability”, 23.–26.09.2018, Graz, Austria

Käß, M. Werz, M., Weihe, S.: Numerische Untersuchung von Einflüssen der Scanstrategie auf Eigenspannungen und Verzug beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen. DVM-Arbeitskreis „Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen“, 3. Tagung, 07. und 08.11.2018, Berlin

Kerkhof, K., Henkel, F.-O.: Großmaßstäbliche Erdbebenversuche zu den Wechselwirkungen Gebäude – Komponente. 6. VDI Fachtagung Baudynamik, 17.-18.04.2018, Würzburg

Kilian, R.; Holl, K.; Hahn, O.; Garrecht, H.: Präventive Konservierung – ein neues Referat der WTA In: Bausubstanz (2018), Nr. 6, S. 46-49

Kuhlmann, U.; Hofmann, J.; Ruopp, J.: Anschlüsse zwischen Stahl und Beton. In: Stahlbau Kalender 2018. Berlin : Ernst & Sohn, 2018, S. 743-804

Kuczynska, M.; N.Schafet, N.; U.Becker, U.; Metasch, R.; Roellig, M.; Kabakchievc, A.; Weihe, S.: Validation of different SAC305 material models calibrated on isothermal tests using in-situ TMF measurement of thermally induced shear load. In: Microelectronics Reliability 91 (2018), pp. 67-85

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Advance heat transfer analysis and capacity curves accounting for the effect of spalling. In: 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire, SiF'18. Ulster University, Belfast, United Kingdom 6th to 8th of June, 2018, pp. 439-446

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: On the pull-out capacity of post-installed bonded anchors and rebars during the fire. In: 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire, SiF'18. Ulster University, Belfast, United Kingdom 6th to 8th of June, 2018, pp. 165-170

Lakhani, H.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: A coupled thermo-mechanical inelastic analysis approach for reinforced concrete flexural members during fire. In: Structural Concrete 19 (2018), pp. 1210-1224

Lehmann, F.; Schreiner, M.; Reinhardt, H.-W.: Instrumentierte Bauwerksüberwachung im Kontext historischer Bauten. In: Bautechnik 95 (2018), Nr. 1, S. 1-5

Mayer, U.; Mutz, A.; Nicak, T.: Compact crack arrest tests for the validation of a finite element material model of the reactor pressure steel of the nuclear power plant. In: PVP Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 15-20, 2018. New York NY: ASME, 2018

Metzger, K.; Friedrich, M.; Huang, M.; Klenk, A.: Grosskraftwerk Mannheim setzt auf innovative Werkstoffe; In VDI-Technikforum (Mitgliedermagazin VDI Nordbaden-Pfalz und VDE Kurpfalz) 1/2018, pp. 8-10

Mishaxhiu, N.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Numerical investigations on the behaviour of circular anchor groups. In: Foster, S.; Gilbert, R.I.; Mendis, P.; Al-Mahaidi, R.; Millar, D. (Eds.): Better, smarter, stronger: Proceedings for the International Federation for Structural Concrete 5th International fib Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 7-11 October 2018

Nürnberger, U.; Rauscher, T.: Die ultimative Lösung für chloridgefährdete Spannbetonkonstruktionen - Nichtrostende Spannstähle. In: Betonwerk + Fertigteiltechnik 84 (2018), Nr. 2, S. 54-55

Panzer, F.; Werz, M.; Weihe, S.: Analysis of the oszillating process forces of friction stir welding using finite elements. In: Welding Institute TWI (Ed.): 12th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, ISFSW 2018. Cambridge : TWI, 2018

Panzer, F.; Werz. M.; Weihe, S.: Experimental investigation of the friction stir welding dynamics of 6000 series aluminium alloys. In: Production Engineering (2018), No. 5

Reinhardt, H.W.; Müller, B.; Mielich, O.; Markert, M.; Wasel, D.; Ulsamer, P.: Einfluss von Superabsorbern auf das Druckkriechen von Beton. In: Ludwig, H.-M. (Hrsg.): IBAUSIL 20. Intern. Baustofftagung, 12.-14. September 2018 F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde Weimar. Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität, 2018, S. 1-1041--1-1047

Reinhardt, H.-W.; Özkan, H.; Mielich, O.: Last- und zeitabhängige Verformungen von AKR-geschädigten Betonen aus langsam reagierenden Gesteinskörnungen. In: Beton 68 (2018), Nr. 12, S. 468-475

Reinhardt, H.W.; Özkan, H.; Mielich, O.: Changes in mechanical properties of concrete due to ASR. In: Hormigón y Acero 69 (2018), pp. 15-19

Rückle, D.; Kaesche, S.; Garrecht, H.: Das Oxidationsverhalten von Stählen in Salzschmelzen bei 560 °Grad. In: Galvanotechnik (2018), Nr. 6 und 7, S. 1218-1221, 1414-1418

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Cultural heritage compatible insulation plaster: analysis and assessment by hygrothermal simulations. In: Broström, T.; Nilsen, L.; Carlsten, S. (Eds.): The 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings: Conference Report; Visby Sweden, September 26 - 27, 2018. Visby: University of Uppsala, Gotland Campus, pp. 89-98

San Marchi, C.; Yamabe, J.; Schwarz, M.; Matsunaga, H.; Zickler, S.; Matsuoka, S.; Kobayashi, H.: Global harmonization of fatigue life testing in gaseous hydrogen. In: Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference -2018- : presented at the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 15-20, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. New York NY: ASME, 2018

Schippl, V.; Brück, S.; Christ, H.-J.; Fritzen, C.-P.; Schwarz, M., Weihe, S.: Modeling of hydrogen effects on short crack propagation in a metastable austenitic stainless steel (X2CrNi19-11). In: MATEC Web of Conferences 165 (2018)

Schuler, X.; Schopf, T.; Beck, T.; Smaga, M.; Daniel, T.; Rudolph. J.; Buchholz, B.: Investigation on the fatigue behavior of austenitic stainless steels and their welds for reactor internals under combined low cycle (LCF), high cycle (HCF) and very high cycle (VHCF) operational loading conditions. In: Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference -2018- : presented at the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 15-20, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. New York NY: ASME, 2018

Sharma, A.; Bosnjak, J.; Aravindhan, C.P.: Thermal degradation of bond between steel and steel fiber reinforced concrete. In: Ludwig, H.-M. (Hrsg.): IBAUSIL 20. Intern. Baustofftagung, 12.-14. September 2018 F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde Weimar. Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität, 2018, S.1-1193-1-1203

Speicher, M.; Kauffmann, F.; Shim, J.-H.; Chandran, M.: Microstructure evolution in alloy 617 B after a long-term creep and thermal aging at 700 °C. In: Materials Science and Engineering: A 711 (2018), pp. 165-174

Swacek, C.; Schuler, X.; Seidenfuss, M.: Numerical investigations on the interaction of cracks in quasi-laminar crack fields. In: Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference -2018- : presented at the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 15-20, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. New York NY: ASME, 2018

Thiele, M.; Eckmann, S.; Huang, M.; Fischer, K.A.: Einfluss thermisch induzierter Spannungsgradienten auf die Ermüdungslebensdauer. Zwischenbericht zum FVV-Vorhaben Nr. 1218. FVV Frühjahrstagung Heft R583, 2018, pp. 65-96

Thiele, M., Gampe, U., Fischer, K.A., Eckmann, S., Huang, M.: An Innovative Test Facility for Investigation of the Influence of Thermally Induced Stress Gradients on Fatigue Life. 12th International Fatigue Congress 2018. Portiers, France

Tian, K.; Ozbolt, J.; Periskic, G.; Hofmann, J.: Concrete edge failure of single headed stud anchors exposed to fire and loaded in shear: experimental and numerical study. In: Fire Safety Journal 100 (2018), pp. 32-44

Tian, K.; Ozbolt, J.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Experimental study on concrete edge failure of single headed stud anchors after fire exposure. In: Fire Safety Journal 96 (2018), pp. 176-188

Toth, M.; Hofmann, J.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Stoßbelastung von Verankerungen in Beton. In: Pahn, M.; Thiele, C.; Glock, O. (Hrsg.): Vielfalt im Massivbau: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Schnell. Berlin: Ernst, 2018, S. 188-200

Udoh, A.; Klenk, A.; Bockelmann, M.; Heinemann, J.: Untersuchung zum langzeitigen Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten von längsnahtgeschweißten Rohren aus der Nickelbasislegierung Alloy 617B. 46. Sondertagung “Schweißen im Anlagen- und Behälterbau”, 20. bis 23. Februar 2018, München

Udoh, A.; Quatier, J.; Klenk, A.: Charakterisierung betriebsbeanspruchter Kraftwerkskomponenten und Ermittlung der Restlebensdauer. 44. VDI-Vortragsveranstaltung „Schadensanalyse in der Energietechnik. 10. und 11. Oktober 2018, Würzburg

Weihe, S.; Klenk, A.; Werz, M.; Zickler, S.: Einsatzgrenzen erweitern – der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. In: WAW Jahresmagazin Werkstofftechnik 2018, S. 140-146

Weihe, S.; Silber, F.; Wackenhut, G.; Stumpfrock, L.: Assessment of Fatigue Loaded Components in Hydro Power Plants. VGB Expert Event „Inspection, maintenance and refurbishment of hydropower plants“, 30th November 2018, Salzburg, Austria

Zanter, F.; Silber, F. E.; Wackenhut, G.: Condition monitoring and assessment of machine parts in the pumped-storage power plant Vianden. 20th International Conference on Hydropower Plants “Celebrating 40 Years of Industry-Academic Engagement”, 14.-16.11.2018, Vianden, Belgium

Zöldföldi, J.; Viefhaus, T.; Ullmann, D.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen mobiler schwingungsspektroskopischer Methoden in der Schadensanalytik im Bauwerk. In: Institut für Steinkonservierung e. V. (Hrsg.): IFS-Bericht Nr. 55 – 2018, Berichtsband zur IFS-Tagung am 6. Dezember 2018 im Landesmuseum Mainz

Zöldföldi, J.; Paz, B.; Jakobs, D.: Anwendung zerstörungsfreier mobile spektroskopischer Prüfverfahren (Raman und NIR) zur Identifizierung bauschädlicher Salze. Natursteintagung 2018, 16.-17.3.2018, Stuttgart

Zöldföldi, J.; Paz, B.; Jakobs, D.: Zerstörungsfreie und minimal invasive Bestimmung von Pigmentumwandlungen an den Wandmalereien der St. Georg Kirche auf der Insel Reichenau. Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2018, 20.-23.03.2018, Hamburg

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Hoßfeld, Max: Experimentelle, analytische und numerische Untersuchungen des Rührreibschweißprozesses, 2016
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Offermanns, Stefan: Verhalten dünnwandiger austenitischer Rohre bei Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff-Detonation, 2016
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Kurz, Hariolf: Auslegung und Optimierung von Flanschverbindungen mit SMC-Losflanschen und PTFE-Dichtungen, 2014
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Kohlenbecker, Michael: Untersuchung der Eigenspannungsstabilität von autofrettierten Aluminiumbauteilen unter zyklischer Beanspruchung und erhöhter Temperatur, 2014
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Wang, Yu: Experimental and numerical evaluations of viscoplastic material behaviour and multiaxial ratchetting for austenitic and ferritic materials, 2014 (MPA + IMWF)
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Kleih, Leonard Georg: Theoretische und experimentelle Analyse des Bauteilverhaltens rührreibgeschweißter Überlappverbindungen, 2013 (MPA + IMWF)
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Frolova, Olga: Fortgeschrittene Methoden zur Bewertung des schmelzenspezifischen Zeitstandbruchverhaltens von Werkstoffen des Kraftwerkbaus, 2012
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Schütt, Thorsten: Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur fertigungsbedingten Entstehung von Fehlern in Mischschweißverbindungen, 2011
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Büttner, Mathias: Versagensverhalten rissbehafteter Mischschweißnähte - theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen, 2011
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M. Speicher; C. Kohler; L. Wöllmann; F. Müller, C. Kontermann: Simulation des Rissverhaltens von grobkörnigen Nickelgusslegierungen bei hohen Temperaturen. FVV Nr. 1251, Abschlussbericht, Fördernummer IGF 19226 N, Heft R597 (2021)   Download pdf-Datei

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Abteilungs - Flyer Mineralische Baustoffe

Abteilungs - Flyer ZfP und Materialcharakterisierung

    Referats - Flyer Elektronenmikroskopie und Metallographie

    Referats - Flyer Forschungsverbund AMICA

    Referats - Flyer Qualitätsüberwachung und Schadensanalyse



Dieses Bild zeigt Monika Werner

Monika Werner



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