Pfaffenwaldring 2b
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 113
Klima, Komfort
- Komfort- und Energieeffizienzmerkmale von Baumaterialien des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens
- architektonische Strukturelemente und Gebäude und deren Anwendung in modernen Restaurierungs- und Sanierungskonzepten
Hejazi, B.; Luz, C.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Chemical and mineralogical compositions of Persian traditional Adobe bricks. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 113-122
Hejazi, B.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Deterioration factors of delicate materials. In: Otto-Graf_Journal 19 (2020), S. 71-90
Frick, J.; Sakiyama, N.; Hejazi, B.; Lehmann, F.; Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.; Garrecht, H.: Real time monitoring and salt transport and related modelling. In: Siegesmund, S.; Middendorf, B. (Eds.): Monument Future : decay and conservation of stone : proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. Halle : Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2020, S. 431-436
Hejazi, B.; Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Re-introduction of traditional Persian materials for energy-efficient constructions. In: IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Sciences 588 (2020), No. 042025
Hejazi, B.; Sakiyama, N.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Hygrothermal Simulations Comparative Study: Assessment of Different Materials Using WUFI and DELPHIN Software. In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA
Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Hejazi, S.B.M.; Frick, J.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.: Humidity and Temperature Variation in Building Stones: Comparing Simulation Results and Impedance Measurements. In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, pp. 403-408
Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Hejazi, S.B.M.; Oliveira, C.C. de; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Effect of traditional persian materials and parametric design of the thermal performance of a generic building in mediterranean climate. In: Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2019 (CESB19), IOP Conf. Series, Earth and Environmental Science 290
- B.S. Architecture University Isfahan
- M.S. Architecture University Isfahan
- Doktorandin an der MPA, Universität Stuttgart
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